12 Behavior Rules In Office That We Must Know


After many conversations with HR managers and recruitment units representatives, most of them including me admit that we are always looking for these 2 factors in an employee when recruiting: “1. He/she must do the job well, 2. he/she must be suitable to the culture of the company.” 

The thing that you have to do your work well is no argument. But the thing that most of you usually forget is the importance of being suitable with the company culture and its effects very much on your position in the company.

With more than 10 years of work experience in domestic and international corporations, I can say that the following are the must rules of behavior when you work in a company. Those rules are very easy for you to apply and control. Don’t become a “silly” employee at work, it would take your job and promote opportunity away.

  1. More eye contact with other people in your office. We usually want to work with someone who is always happy and sociable instead of someone who sits still. Eye contact shows your interest and confidence.
  2. Give a confident and strong handshake. (but not too tight, it feels like you want to control the opposite)
  3. Always clean and neat. (should: keep your hair and teeth clean before going to work)
  4. Wearing a suitable outfit based on your office, company style. Make sure that you are dressing for the job you want, not the job you have. If you act like you already get what you want, your boss can feel it.
  5. Don’t just chat at work, talk badly about colleagues, managers, or the company. You have to know that psychological science has proved: a person who is listening to you talking badly, will think you are a bad person if you say anything negative about someone else behind them.
  6. Keep your relationships professionally. Even if you spend too much time on somebody, it could be considered unprofessional.
  7. Use suitable language in the office. Too much profanity is unprofessional.
  8. Avoid using slang words, use formal language
  9. Smile more and be friendly. You want to become a sociable and beloved person but don’t make it too much if not you are the person who creates a distraction.
  10. Try to go to work 5 minutes early and 5 minutes late off work. (It show the commitment and reliable others have in you)
  11. Keep your workspace clean and orderly, including throwing your food in the right place after eating. (No one wants to smell offal in the office)
  12. Be an extremely upright person. This means you have to do what you said. (For example: if you said you will send an email to someone or you will be there at 9:00, you must do it. If you always do what you declare, you will be respected and your company want to keep you)

Above are some rules in the office behavior rules that I want to share. Don’t underestimate these little things when they can create a big value and bring opportunities for you.

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